Art Show


Students in 5/6 applied their art skills in a variety of creative ways. The art works on display at the recent Awesome Art Show were of an excellent standard.

Bird Art based on Feathers for Phoebe.

Ned Kelly based on Sidney Nolan's artwork.

Self Portraits.

Pot Art

Pot Art

Thank you to all the families that joined us at the wonderful school event.

Grandparent's Day

Thank you to all the wonderful grandparents who came to visit our classrooms for Grandparents Day.

Students shared there learning and playing some spelling and maths games with their grandparents.

Many of the grandparents commented on how much learning the students have completed and how different school is now compared when they were at school.

Father's Day Breakfast

Thanks to all the wonderful Dads who joined us for the fun filled Father's Day breakfast.

The Hall was decorated with lovely Father's Day artwork from all grades.

Happy Father's Day!

Year 5/6 visit the Canberra Zoo and Aquarium

Last week students and 5/6 enjoyed a hands on excursion to the Canberra Zoo and Aquarium. As part of the tour students got to hold a corn snake, feed some fallow deer and an emu named Moo.

Students spent time drawing and observing their chosen zoo animal as a part of this excursion. This then helped them to add further details and annotated drawing to their information report posters.