Coding in Schools

So it's been said that the fastest growing language learned in schools is Coding..... you know? writing code to tell robots what to do or to make characters in video games run and jump.

As part of our STEM sessions students from years 3 to 6 have been introduced to coding with many then choosing to participate in extra lunch time coding sessions.

They learn to use apps such as Scratch to create interactive stories, games and animations and Sphero, a robotic ball that they program using specific code. Plus, we have just purchased a set of electronic bits and pieces called Little Bits which can be used to create circuits and robots.

It is a Brave New World our students are growing up in and, we are doing our best to ensure our students become proficient in coding.

Below is a link to a news story published earlier this year regarding the Queensland Department of Education's push to make coding compulsory in schools.

ABC report on Coding in Queensland

For those students wishing to take things a little further, below are two links to a story about and the Youtube channel of Yumi, a ten year old Aussie student who posts how to code tutorials and, he even has five apps he has created selling on the Apple App store.

Behind the News - Yumi

10 year old Yuma's Coding Channel

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