All Set For Learning In Term 2
The 5/6 teaching team have been busy over the last few weeks planning for our learning this term. It's going to be another action packed term with Rostrum, NAPLAN (for the year 5's), an excursion to the National Museum of Australia and our cross country carnival - just to name a few highlights!
Students will use good fit books and ‘show their thinking’, focussing on individual reading goals during Reader’s Workshop. 5/6 will also be reading and responding to the novel ‘My Story: Plagues and Federation - The Diary of Kitty Barnes’ which links with the HaSS inquiry. The novel will be used to investigate how characters develop throughout the plot.
The text type focus for term 2 is narrative. This will include the appropriate structure and language features. Students will work on character development, interesting openers and improving vocabulary. They will also follow the writing cycle of planning, drafting, proofreading, re-crafting and publishing written work.Maths
Addition and subtraction algorithmsChance in games
Area of simple and compound shapes
Multiplication and division mental strategies and algorithms
Word Work
Mrs Layton: blending and segmenting consonants, e.g. sc, ldMiss Hall: revising digraphs, e.g. ch, qu & long vowel sounds, e.g. ai, ay, a_e
Miss Vanderfield: prefixes, suffixes, greek/latin roots, e.g. misspelt
Mr Nicholls & Miss Rossiter: double vowel sounds, e.g. field
Mrs Harding: suffixes that indicate tense, e.g. adding ed, ing
Light: This inquiry provides opportunities for students to explore the properties of light and how it enables us to see. Students’ thinking about light and its role in our lives and our community will be developed using hands-on activities. Through investigations students explain how objects reflect, absorb and refract light.HaSS
The Federation of Australia: Students will inquire into how Australia became a nation and how it has changed as a society throughout the 20th century. It will focus on significant individuals and their contributions to the development of Australian society.
Health and PE
Social and Emotional Learning: Valuing our strengths and encouraging positive self talk. Fundamental Movement Skills: bouncing, catching, forehand strike and two hand strike
Students will learn to problem solve using the visual software, Scratch. They will then plan, create and edit their own digital game using the software.The Arts
Students will continue to develop their music notation and composition skills through playing ukulele, recorder, Boomwackers and percussion instruments. In drama, students will explore movement to create and sustain belief in character and situation using mime techniques.Japanese
Students will be studying the physical geography of Japan, learning about the four main islands and some of the major cities and landmarks. They will also be working towards writing and talking about a travel plan using different verbs and tenses. Students will continue to work on hiragana reading and writing skills by achieving hiragana belts.Important dates
Friday 11 May
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Week 3 (Catch-Ups Week 4)
Friday 25 May
Tuesday 22 May
Excursion - National Museum of Australia
I enjoyed doing the narrative. It was really fun and exciting making my own twisted fairytale.