5/6 Students Love Our Library!

On Friday I am lucky to have a library duty. It is pleasing to regularly see so many of our older students enjoying this wonderful space.

There are games of Magic being played.

Older students reading to our younger students, modelling a love of reading.

Dedicated Library Monitors, who are regularly on duty in this space. They help students borrow resources, puppets and iPads. 

Thank you to Mr James for making the library such a loved part of our school.

High School Transition Visits for our Year 6 Students

Students recently had a high school transition visit to Melba Copland Secondary School.

While at the visit, students participated in a variety of activities to familiarise them with what a day in Year 7 would be like.

5/6 Leadership at the Fete

There was a strong Fete presence from our 5/6 students on Sunday. There were performances from the Year 6 band which was well received by the audience on the day. 

Students also helped run the 5/6 stall which included hair spray, nail polish station and temporary tattoos. 


A new initiative this year was a ball toss style game where students could win a prize if their ball landed in a plastic cup. 

This proved popular with the students, with many winning prizes.

Swimming Carnival

We recently held our yearly swimming carnival with many students participating in races. There were races held in all four strokes with freestyle having the most entrants. 


After the competitive races students participated in a variety of fun activities. These included:

  • noodle races
  • slides
  • water obstacle course
  • relays
  • diving

Students displayed excellent sportsmanship, 
cheering for their friends and displaying house pride.

Maths and Gala Day

Students in 5/6 have had a fun filled week learning about addition and subtraction strategies. We have focused on developing our skills in using the jump, split and compensation strategies. Feel free to ask your child to explain these strategies to you.

We also had lots of interest in our recent Rugby League Gala Day with three Fraser teams participating. All students displayed excellent sportsmanship skills on the day. Thank you to Ms Rossiter, Jordie Doherty and Michael  May for helping this day to be successful.